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Old 02-27-2009, 03:45 PM   #1
Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: Atlanta, Georgia
Posts: 109
Alabama's Tail of the Dragon???

Yesterday I put 200 miles on my GZ and rode around the Little River Canyon in NE Alabama. I noticed Hwy 275 which had signs on it saying "Not Recommended for trucks or RV's". Signs said it was too steep and curvey. 23 miles of hell, they said.
Well, of course, I had to try it! The signs were right! Very curvey, 1st gear uphills, "oh my gosh" downhills, sand on the turns, etc. Never got higher than 3rd gear and used 2nd often. Had to use 1st occasionally when the grade was too steep for second.
I've never been on the Tail of the Dragon, but I think I've discovered The Alabama Dragon!
It was a great ride and I'll do it again soon, but I was glad to be out of there with the paint still on the bike and the skin still on me.

Chris, retired near Atlanta

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