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Old 02-24-2009, 01:59 AM   #33
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Re: Hey, I didn't get to chip in on the gun hijacked thread

Legalize it. We need weed dealers on the tax rolls. Need to recycle that unemployment money back into the good old USA. Stop growing corn for ethanol and start growing weed (to increase consumption - of pizza, Pink Floyd and twinkies.) Stoners don't drive, so that'll cut down on our foreign oil dependence. We can reduce the prison population and the costs that go with it. Focus the police on violent crime and terrorism.

We could export it. Weed grows great here in the US. We could do for wacky terbacky what we done for regular terbacky.

Plus, once it's legal, kids won't smoke it just to be cool.

It's a win-win. Why are we so GD stupid about it?
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