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Old 02-23-2009, 05:18 PM   #5
Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: Atlanta, Georgia
Posts: 109
Re: Highly recommended "Draggin Jeans"

To mrldm1,

Wind coming up my jeans leg is a problem. I wear heavy boots 100% of the time on the bike. On a cool trip I just use the boot laces from the boots to wrap around the bottom of my pants. I often wear long underware. Also I often wear sweat pants in place of long underware. The difference is the sweat pants will come down over the tops of my boots. Then tying them makes a big difference.
I have put velcro tightly around my jeans right at the top of the boots. That worked well, but look dorky even for me. Then I tried the boot laces method and it works well.
On cold rides I wear long underware AND the sweat pants!! Dorky, but rarely does anyone go under my jeans to see what is under there.
I always dress heavy and since I ride about 1000 miles a month it helps a lot. I'm almost never too hot unless I stop. But if I get hot I can peal off underlayers. I always wear goves, usually leather gloves. In the winter I wear skiing gloves! A bit bulky, but boy, are they warm.
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