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Old 02-23-2009, 10:55 AM   #1
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Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: Atlanta, Georgia
Posts: 109
Highly recommended "Draggin Jeans"

My motorcycle maintenance expert highly recommended "Draggin Jeans" to wear when riding. These look like real jeans but have Kevlar inside them. So when you come off the bike (it is going to happen so be ready) the Kevlar will hit the ground instead of your skin.
These come big for the Kevlar inside. They are about $100 and I'm going to buy a pair.
I wonder if they buy jeans a couple of sizes larger than an individual wears and then sew in the Kevlar. Anyway, my friend says they feel great, are warmer than jeans, and far cheaper than leather pants. Leather pants are hot, expensive, and ugly. He says these are far better.
I'll get a pair soon.

Chris, north Georgia cruiser

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