Originally Posted by dan_
1) One of the guys that recommended a thread kit also recommended a new oil pan altogether.
2) And don't make me feel to dumb.
1) You lucked out.......probably. If any of those folks would have LOOKED at the bottom of the bike, they would have seen that the drain plug threads into a plate that is, in turn, bolted to the bottom of the engine block. So.....no thread kit, no new "pan", just visit Suzuki and get a new plate, with gasket and drain plug and crush washer........and then find someone who is a little less "eager" with the wrench to install it for you. If you strip THOSE 3 bolts, then you are really screwed.
2) Too late on that one; I think you already beat us to it. :roll: :biggrin:
Now for the bad news:
An engine without oil sometimes siezes AFTER it stops running and cools off. Sometimes the rings don't sieze at all but the bearings melt first.
It might self-destruct after you get it all back together and run it the first time; not likely, but possible.
I really don't think "dumb ass" is an adequate description.