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Old 01-25-2009, 06:50 PM   #4
Easy Rider
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Join Date: May 2007
Location: Champaign, Illinois
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Re: My bike won't start

Originally Posted by JWR
You might want to try the PRIMER position, to make sure that gas is in the carb.

This allows gas to flow without the engine turning over.

Assuming that the gas in the tank is NOT from 2007, that is.
There is NO good reason to run the bike every 2 weeks.
As a matter of fact, for a bike with carbs, it is a BAD idea.

Running a short time in cold weather causes moisture to accumulate in the muffler and the crankcase.

More importantly, you run it and the float bowl on the carb gets full; it sits for 2 weeks and that fuel evaporates out of the bowl; you run it and fill it again; it evaporates again.
By the time spring rolls around, enough fuel will have evaporated from the bowl to CLOG the carb.

It is better to just LEAVE IT ALONE until riding season starts again......really it is.

At that point, you need to switch it to PRIme for a few minutes before starting and use lots of choke the first time.
Loud pipes risk rights!
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