Originally Posted by kmkindred
I'm 5' 10", so do you think when I install I should try to raise it as much as possible from where it "naturally" sits above the headlight? As low as possible?
It might depend more on what is possible than what is desirable; that is, you may not have as much mounting flexibility as you want. I had to buy longer mounting rods for mine to get it just right (not the same model).
In general, higher is better because then you can vary the position of the top by changing the rake angle instead of moving the shield up and down. You need a slight rake angle to prevent the shield from acting like a sail; more angle = less resistance. I would recommend starting out with the top about at eye level; then you can adjust from there. It might take MANY days and lots of test rides to get it right. My last one took about 3 weeks !! O_o
The ultimate position is a matter of personal taste and depends mostly on what your main objective IS. If you want the best wind protection possible, then the shield needs to be high with only a minimum rake. That will probably let more wind in UNDER the shield but in hot weather that can be a good thing. Looking through the shield isn't a problem.......if you keep it clean and ride mostly in the daylight with no rain. You should NEVER mount one so high that you can't "stretch" and see over it because a few bugs or a little rain reflects oncoming headlights and makes it almost impossible to see through it at night or when very cloudy.
Most who have tried the 16T love it; a few didn't and went back.