Re: many thanks
What do you mean by having "battery trouble"? If the battery is weak or dead, you have to charge it up with the appropriate charger. Even a brand new battery MUST be fully charged first before putting it into service, especially the sealed batteries which you probably have. If you got a brand new sealed battery and didn't fully charge it up first, it won't have much capacity and maybe that's part of your problem. It may start the bike once or twice and then that's it. Even sitting overnight, it may be dead by the morning. The whole problem may be the battery, not the "electrofier" , and how did he know that was the problem? A dead light bulb shouldn't kill the battery. If you had a short somewhere, that would blow a fuse and it would blow again right after you changed it to a new one. I'd bet the problem is your battery. Get it load tested, if it's no good, get a new one and charge it up fully before using it.