Thread: Bobber
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Old 01-19-2009, 04:29 PM   #14
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Re: Bobber

Originally Posted by mrlmd1
Like said already, lots of rust on the frame, and on the chain. Maybe the whole thing was rusted before the paint job to hide it all. Poor prep. Any maintenance done on this bike?
Doesn't wrapping the exhaust lessen the heat dissipation and make it run hotter? Was this done to hide more rust?
And only 2500 miles 'till someone did this?
Doesn't look bad though except for needing a new seat, that flat pillion can't really be too comfortable and keep you from sliding around.
Could be OK for the price so far if it runs well, but watch out for what the front tire kicks up in the front of the bike.
I've never heard that wrapping an exhaust would make the bike run hotter. I know those who run custom pipes tend to wrap them because they can't get custom heat shields. Wrapping lessens the outside pipe temp so you dont put a hole in your pants.

2500 miles ..... i de-virginized my bike at 2200. Actually the previous owner de-virginized the exhaust and intake at 250 miles.

Rust on the chain and some rusted scratches .... replace the chain and sand down the scratches ... whip out the BBQ paint and its good as new Not bad at all for under a grand, if thats the direction you want to take a bike.

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