many thanks
im new to this site but before signing up have been finding it really useful.
i have a 1999 gz250 and only just got it about a month now but rented it for 3 weeks before. since i bought it the bike started giving me some trouble which turned into a lot.
i have been on here nearly everynight since it all happened to try to use your help from previous postings. i was having battery trouble, done like has be mettioned on a lot of the other postings, added to the petrol to clean out, and changed spark plugs, the battery was replaced and still this happened, i checked the wiring inside the lights and what i could around the bike, also changed a fuse. but still nothing was working for me, what it turned out to be, and in my lack of experenice for not being the first thing i checked, was the bulb not the head light but the 3w side light, all this trouble almost 3 weeks worth for a quick fix of only €0.75. the bike is now running great just like when i was renting it. i wouldnt have know what to have done to the bike for getting it fixed myself if it wasnt for the help and addvice from everyone on this site, so a really big thanks from me. :2tup: :2tup: :2tup: :2tup:
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