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Old 01-01-2009, 08:51 PM   #2
Posts: n/a
Re: Moderating this Forum

I'm going to be bold enough to add a newbie's perspective to the "tension" developing on this and other threads I've seen. I think it boils down to this: people come to this forum for different reasons (brilliant, I know, but bear with me). One difference I've noticed is that some folks seem to approach the forum as, at least in part, public service. They answer people's questions, even if they have heard it all before (oil, adjusting the chain, saddlebags, etc.). Like the instructors at my MSF course, they see it as giving back to the motorcycle "community", if you will.

Others seem annoyed by that process. I would venture to say they are looking more for "advanced" discussion with other advanced riders. They may very well be good citizens, I hasten to add, but they aren't necessarily looking to play that role here. In fact, it gets in the way of the advanced discussion they seek.

These different motivations are at least partially responsible for the tension that surfaces from time to time. Not sure if there is a solution to this issue as long as this stays a general purpose forum that welcomes newbies. I will say that, as a newbie, this site has been invaluable to me, but I did lurk for a couple of months out of fear of asking something that would look stupid.
Eventually saw some responses to other newbies that convinced me I shouldn't worry about that.

I'll also repeat what someone else said on another thread recently (sorry, I don't remember who); I've never seen a truly "nasty" post here, at least compared to what I've seen other places. Still, maybe it's helpful to remember the great variety of folks who check in here. Personally, I think that's a good thing, but maybe it's worth keeping in mind the next time someone sees yet another post on synthetic vs. regualar oil - don't read any of it if the mere sight of the topic makes you roll your eyes, read it and maybe weigh in if you see it as helping out a newbie and don't mind taking some time to do that.

Just my two cents,

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