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Old 01-01-2009, 08:14 PM   #1
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Location: Tallahassee FL
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Moderating this Forum

I went to post a comment on the thread "Tank Brand motorcycles" and discovered it was locked.

Not that I'm against moderation, you have to do it. The owner of got to talk to the secret service once because of something that was posted over there. They have lots of moderators and ban people on occasion. He talks about this some in an interview on one of the early "Side Stand Up" shows. You can download it from here if your interested:

For those who may be unfamiliar with It's probably the largest motorcycle forum on the internet. If you like motorcycles, advetures, and report reports you could get lost in there for days. There are 331,335 Threads, 8,131,274 Posts, and 93,313 member. At this moment there are 2392 people viewing.

If we are going to moderate or even just lock forums there should be a set of rules and everyone should be made aware of them. This would have been easy to do up front but may be somewhat difficult at present. I for one do not have the time nor the inclination to read everything that is posted here and moderate it. I have already have limited myself to reading a few areas that are of interest by subscribing to them. If the forum is going to grow and be a useful tool for all GZ250 riders something is going to have to be done or it may just degenerate into a big cat fight that no one wants to be in and isn't useful to any one.

I found out all this was going on when I added the forum to my Google Reader to see how the RSS feed worked.

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