Originally Posted by Easy Rider
Originally Posted by deadman13
Holy hell, I've been reading about you and your trip!
That's the guy I mentioned a few posts back.
Great guy.
Great bike.
Great story.
Dog is kinda ugly though !! :biggrin:
Me... UGLY???
OK... here is my softer side...
So I read all the posts...
"Deadman", there really is so much to know for being on the road. Truly. My first idea for you would be to change your "handle" specially if it will also show it on your Blog... If you are and will be seeking other's help, in these hard economical times where I am sure everyone would prefer to pay their mortgage than pay out to a traveler that calls himself "deadman"... kind of rings like a "dead end". I am not trying to be harsh, someone else already has done that, at the same time he has not been too far off "reality". There is a difference in maturity between beng 25 and 55... I am 60!
Your only savior is going to be to "work". You want to be on the road for 10 years? do it... I just met a traveler here in Big Bend, Texas, from Chicago. He is 20! Rode down, he is already working 5 days a week as a server. He will do the season, and take off... he still has two days a week to enjoy the area comfortably as his rent is only $2 a night. Try finding resort work... they will lodge you and feed you. You have a Culinary degree... I do to... has been 40 years... Master Chef, Paris and Switzerland, the best school in the World, catered for the billionaires for years... I was also offered a job, actually many jobs throughout these past 24 months... at... $9 an hour!!!... once $10... but I GOT FIRED after 2 days because I could not keep my mouth shut toward a manager that only had one year experience...
NOTHING is served on a silver plater... not even a paper plate for free! Either a Blog... Photography... work... you will have to earn it. The occasional contributions will not get you going.
E mail me for more ideas...
Don't be bummed, to the contrary I think you should do it... but do it right. Will, the young man frm Chicago has my respect, he earned it. Stay on that path and you will discover that the road can be the greatest schooling there is, inward and outward.
Be well... Ara & Spirit