Originally Posted by Sarris
So... in looking into a trike for her, I found a trike conversion kit for the GZ that is manufactured in Hudson, FL just a few miles from my home. This looks like it's going to be her way to go.
IF and ONLY IF her problem was keeping the thing balanced while manuvering, then this might solve your rather unique set of circumstances. The potential problem being that the clutch, shifting and brakes will be essentially the same whether 2 wheels or 3. Add to that the extra hundred pounds or so for the conversion............well, I hope you will understand if I just say there is something fundamentally wrong about making a bike that small into a 3-wheeler.
Did she ever get to actually ride your GZ? How did she do? Has she considered a scooter? Some of them little devils can out run me on the GZ.
(I know you have told pretty much the whole story before but my memory is shorter than my.......mmmm.....well it's really short! )