Re: Speed Record for the GZ250
Chris, you can upload a picture under your profile, but you have to have the proper dimensions. Click on the User Control Panel up at the top of the browser screen. I trimmed mine with photoshop.
Dupo owns the board. Patrick and Badbob help run it.
Re GPS: I've always been fond of maps, and I regularly use Google Maps (used to use MapQuest) but for some reason, I've never been motivated to get a GPS. I am actually pretty good at self navigation, something I inherited from my father. Once you know north, south, east, west, the basic topography and some inkling of the regions major arteries, the GPS is in your head. I've screwed up a few times, but in most cases, I can do pretty good navigating by hunch. I've also been hosed by Google and Mapquest a few times - they don't seem to be able to tell the difference between a hiking trail and a pved thoroughfare.
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