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Old 11-19-2008, 06:23 PM   #8
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Re: backfire and new chain


I'm not a mechanical expert, but I think WD40 is a little too light for chain lubrication. It's certainly better than nothing, and will probably work okay if you re-apply it frequently, but I think there are other choices designed specifically for the purpose.

My experience with WD40 is it is good for penetrating and quick fixes, but I think it evaporates or something. Also, I think that there is some sort of "shock" or compression capacity for lubricants (not sure what this is called) and WD-40 is not designed for that. Do an Internet search on O-ring chains and I'm sure you'll find lots of suggestions.

Did you check for holes drilled in the exhaust? This is a popular internet mod for GZ's and could cause your problem if they didn't do the hard part (carb re-jetting.)
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