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Old 11-19-2008, 08:00 AM   #9
music man
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Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: Hot Springs Arkansas
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Re: Clutch cable goes....

I have had my clutch cable break on me about 30 miles from the house, and thats why I now have an extra clutch cable, I don't carry it on the bike unless I go on a trip. When mine broke, instead of paying 12 bucks for a cable, I had to get it overnight delivered and it cost like 56 dollars, as my bike was sitting at a store (luckily My wife is the manager of a convience store that is a big chain, and it was another store in the chain), they had storage buildings and the manager let me use a empty one to leave my bike in.

So to keep from having to ever pay 55-60 dollars for another one, I ordered another one when I got my bike home.

"Tell me what kind of wreck you're going to have and I'll tell you what type of helmet you need." [Author Unknown]
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