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Old 11-18-2008, 09:31 PM   #8
Water Warrior 2
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Re: Clutch cable goes....

[quote=Easy Rider]
Originally Posted by "Water Warrior":2y5zlita
Haven't tried this with Lynda's GZ but it might work.
After such an eloquent explanation of the technique.........and then you say you have NOT tried it on the GZ yet ?? :poked:

On every other bike I have ever owned, I have been comfortable with clutchless upshifting, especially in the higher gears. Shaft drives seemed to be the most forgiving.......
I have not been able to do it "comfortably" on the GZ because of too much clunking and jerking.
Either it is the different combination of engine/transmission OR I'm just losing my touch. [/quote:2y5zlita]

Haven't tried on the GZ B/C Lynda won't let me at the keys anymore. She really got attached to the bike after our tour half way across Canada in June. But I still get to do the maintenance and checks. A win win situation for Lynda.

Alan.......Try letting the bike slow down more ( less RPM ) until the tranny unloads with the throttle off and a little down pressure on the shifter. The bike may or may not be as jerky due to less engine breaking effect. The higher gears/low RPM will be the smoothest with this procedure as apposed to lower gears/low RPM. Should also be able to go from 2nd to neutral really really smooth just prior to a stop.
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