Originally Posted by alanmcorcoran
Hey Patrick or Iring...
...d'ya mind elaborating a bit on the matching revs? It seems like clutch cable failure eventually happens to all of us and clutchless shifting would be a good skill to have...
Here ya go Alan. Clutchless shifting is actually quite easy and smooth with practice. Shifting up is smoother than shifting down of course. After your initial launch just get up to your usual shift point and do the following. Lift on the shifter a bit to apply some pressure( not a lot) and then roll the throttle off and on again. This will unload the gears and allow the tranny to shift up while the power is lessoned. You are now in a higher gear and applying power as per normal. Practice this and you will soon wonder why the clutch is even there. As for down shifts the procedure is a bit more sensitive. Apply pressure down on the shifter( roll off the throttle ) but at a lower speed and RPM than normal to reduce the jerkiness and engine braking effect. The tranny will slip into a lower gear.
Haven't tried this with Lynda's GZ but it might work. Years ago I had a suzuki SP 370 enduro with a really slick tranny. I could find a false neutral between every gear while clutchless down shifting. Rolled off the throttle and slipped into false neutral, zapped the throttle once and downshifted as the revs ( coming down ) matched the speed and selected gear. Sounded awsome with a straight pipe out back.
I think every one should be able to shift without the clutch( at least upshift anyway ) Less moving parts involved and your left hand will never wear out.