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Old 10-30-2008, 12:23 AM   #2
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Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: Anaheim, CA
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Re: First 2.5 hour ride

2.5 hours isn't too bad. Some forum members have had ass issues - I think it depends on your waist (and ass) size. I'd say if your waist is north of 34", you should plan on a rest stop about halfway. Otherwise, you can probably hammer it all the way through. You'll find that a long ride like this will greatly automate much of the routine aspects of riding, so make sure you stay clean on the basics: Hand and foot on the brake, downshift coming up to a stop, clean, smooth shifting up through the gears, pay attention to your blinker and so on. Whatever you are doing will become the default habit so avoid sloppiness. Fill up before you go and you should be able to go the distance without having to look for gas.

If you are prone to getting hungry or light headed on the road, check out GU. It's a gel that is marketed to marathon runners, gives a blast of energy that lasts for at least 45 minutes. $1.50 a pop in most running stores. If you are moderately coordinated, you can get one down through the face shield of a full lid. I always keep a couple with me on long rides. There's a flavor called Espresso Love that has a nice blast of caffeine if you are into that sort of thing.
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