Re: Get off the bike!
I think, to a certain extent, the more you ride, the more comfortable and capable you get. I was a bit late today for a friend's concert, so I pushed myself to hit the freeway in spite of my general discomfort with it. I did about 13 miles and was pleased to discover:
1) I am starting to be able to maintain 60 plus.
2) I'm getting a little more used to the wiggle waggle of the rougher patches. Not real comfortable, but less on edge.
3) It's not all the same - there are concrete parts that are not too bad and there are paved parts that are a welcome relief.
I'm finding the riding rough roads at speed is a little like airplane trubulence. You are as good as your worst previous experience. With the plane, eventually you realize that it apparently takes something pretty heavy duty to cause a problem. With the bike, I guess you start to be able to ignore all the wiggling, waggling and bouncing around and realize the bike is going to stay upright for the most part. I'm going to keep on hitting the freeway periodically until I get used to it.
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