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Old 10-16-2008, 01:45 PM   #2
Easy Rider
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Re: Pushing on the pegs to help you lean

Originally Posted by Jer
Pushing down on the right peg when leaning right, left when leaning left, really makes a big difference in your leaning turns.
It's all about weight transfer, or more correctly, shifting the center of mass. Exactly HOW you accomplish that makes no difference functionally; the best way for YOU is the way you feel most comfortable.

Consiously leaning your body into a turn is the most drastic way to shift weight.
Other, less drastic methods REALLY shift your body mass too......just a LOT less and the result in more subtle. "Pressing down" on the peg is one way. Pushing on the tank with your outside knee is another. If, however, you could manage to do either of those WITHOUT shifting any of your body mass at the same time, it would accomplish exactly nothing.

Racers actually put most of their weight on the OUTSIDE kind of balance the effect of shifting your ass off to the inside. :biggrin:
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