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Old 10-15-2008, 10:32 PM   #5
Easy Rider
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Join Date: May 2007
Location: Champaign, Illinois
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Re: Get off the bike!

Originally Posted by Graydog
I’ve intended to ask this for a long time now. Anyone else have these “get off the bike days”?
Yes. Like you said, for whatever reason, there are days when you feel like crap and KNOW that you shouldn't be on the bike. That's one thing.

The "other" thing is really pretty strange.....for me, at least. An otherwise normal day when I feel fine and nothing usual has happened.......until I get on the bike and it's almost like I have NEVER ridden before; kinda seems like the "bike" cells in the brain aren't firing right. I park the bike and take the car.

This has happened to me once or twice a riding season for a LONG time.....maybe 15 years. That would mean that it started about 45.....or maybe that's just the first time I remember it.
Now I am in the habit of taking a 3/4 mile "test" run right at the beginning, including a sharp turn-around and 3/4 mile back. If things don't feel right, it goes back in the garage because in the past I have tried to "ride through it" and it just doesn't seem to work.

Oddly enough, those incidents don't seem to be getting any more frequent, at least for me. I've only had one this year, early in the season. I did stop smoking about a year ago, tobacco, that is. :cool:
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