Originally Posted by alanmcorcoran
Have you gotten used to the freeway wiggle?
Yes and no. Used to it, yes--comfortable, NO. I'm used to it enough that I would rather do it than ride across the county on surface streets, depending on how crowded and which freeway it is. I've only been out in moderate traffic so far. It just depends. Some are fine, like some of the new portions of the 22, or like the 405 south of Goldenwest or Beach. Some are awful.
Maybe my windshield has something to do with it too. I no longer feel like I'm going to be become a kite, or be pulled off the bike. I think if I used some earplugs it would also help lessen the sensory input. For me anyway, my noobieness, the windblast, the wiggle, and the noise definitely kept me off the freeways. Now it's easier. I sure would like to have more horsepower to move with the traffic patterns and take better advantage of gaps that are opening and closing.