Originally Posted by Dupo
1. Put that battery on a charger. NOT a car charger.
2. Putting it to PRI prior to starting does nothing.
OK, time for a fight. Put 'em up !! :skull: :biggrin:
A bike battery is just a small car battery. Any "good" modern battery charger WILL work just fine for a bike battery, if used occasionally to recover the battery from an "oops" and if used with a little sense.......like disconnecting it when the charging current drops off.
For this kind of use, if you already have a "car" charger, there is ABSOLUTLEY no reason to buy another one. NONE.
Now, if you want something to keep the battery charged over a storage period, then you need a "Battery Tender" type of charger which is automatic and has a "float" mode. Getting one specifically labeled for motorcycle use is OK but, again, not necessary as long as it is designed to float the battery for storage. And, incidentally, using a "motorcycle" charger on a car battery is OK too but it might take longer to charge if the battery is dead.
12 volts is 12 volts. Doesn't matter what size package it comes in. One exception: You should NOT ***NEVER*** use a large shop charger on a motorcycle battery if it has a "Start" setting. Using that setting connected to a bike battery can boil it quickly and cause all kinds of problems.
Carb and PRIme: If the bike has not been run for a while, the gas in the carb bowl tends to evaporate. Setting it to PRIme can make starting a LOT easier, as there isn't enough vacuum during cranking to open the petcock when it's on ON or RES.