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Old 09-30-2008, 11:34 AM   #6
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Re: 236 mile range, plus 17 on reserve for my GZ250

I offer this as perhaps a learning tool to newbies who might take things too literally (like me).

About filling your bike as it leans on the kickstand: When I first got mine, I was taking extra care not to overfill it per the manual by not getting past the bottom of that lip. I'd stop before it touched the lip. Too MUCH before the lip. I was robbing myself (I think) of 1/2 to maybe even 3/4 of a gallon of tank capacity. I was having to go to reserve at 150 miles, even 140 miles. Then I really looked at what I was doing. The lip was much shorter than I realized, plus, once the bike was upright, what I had thought was a full tank was only maybe 3/4 full. So now when I fill it while it's leaning on the kickstand, I fill it pretty much right up to the top. When I stand it up, it's right where it needs to be.
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