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Old 09-29-2008, 05:50 PM   #1
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Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: Atlanta, Georgia
Posts: 109
236 mile range, plus 17 on reserve for my GZ250

On Saturday I made an all day trip in the Georgia mountains. I cruised easily in 5th and sometimes 4th: nice easy backroads mostly.
I filled up before I left and returned with 200 miles on the GZ250. Since I was curious about the range I made another trip today. I carried a gallon of gas with me so I would not get stranded and headed out as far as she would go on the available gas.
On the main tank I got 236 miles. Then I switched to the RESERVE setting and went another 17 miles when I saw a gas station. It was still running on reserve so I don't know how far that would go. I put in 3.1 gallons for 81.6mpg! I usually get about 75mpg, but this was easy crusing.
I am a big, older guy north of Atlanta and most people don't get the mileage in anything that I do. But most of you should look for 70mpg and 200 miles range on your GZ250. If you are not getting this then slow down!!

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