Thread: Battery Problem
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Old 09-28-2008, 12:40 PM   #5
Easy Rider
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Re: Battery Problem

Originally Posted by RichInFla
Can you actually tell if a battery is bad once it's fully charged ??
Yes, **I** can. The question is can YOU ?? :biggrin:
(Sorry, couldn't resist.)

I'm assuming that you do not have a multi-meter. If you did (about $15 at Radio Shack), battery and charging system "rough" tests are pretty easy.

Like your friend, bike shops are often too quick to make ASSumptions and do the wrong thing.

Ride it to an independent battery Interstate....or an auto shop that sells lots of Farm & Fleet, but call ahead to be sure they stock the battery for your bike......and take about $90 with you because what you have described so far is the classic story of an old, sulphated, worn out battery.

If you trickle charge it every night, it will get you to work and back every day.......for a few days or weeks. Then suddenly it will get you there and will be dead for the return trip.

What does this mean: "it was at 16%/2A" ??
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