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Old 09-20-2008, 07:09 AM   #19
Join Date: Aug 2008
Posts: 55
Re: "Bikers" vs. people who just own bikes

*laughs* We had two weddings. I wanted a drive-thru chapel in Vegas, my partner wanted the big, froofie wedding. We had a big, froofie religious ceremony with a gazillion of our family and friends, then went to Vegas for the legal part at a drive-thru chapel wearing tie-dye and leather on a bike. Good fun!

But we flew to Vegas and rented a bike because it would have taken our entire vacation to get there and back and we had no way of knowing what the weather would be like in advance. We weren't willing to take the chance of getting stuck in lots of rain. We rented a smaller bike (a Honda Shadow 750 or 850 or something like that, it was the smallest bike the rental place had) and the woman who rented it to us thought it was silly that we got such a "tiny" bike for our time in Vegas. She didn't think my husband was a real biker based on the size of his bike. He also wasn't willing to submit himself to two days straight riding on a 535cc bike all the way to Vegas, a day in Vegas, and then two days back in whatever weather happened because he wanted to enjoy his honeymoon without being miserable in the rain. Not a real biker. Me, I wasn't a biker at that point, so I can't be called hard core, and I definitely saw no need to be miserable when we were looking to have a good time.

*smiles* And that's what being on the bike is about whether others see you as a real biker or as a weekend, fair weather, motorcycle owner. You're out there to get on the bike and to ride because you enjoy it, because being on that bike makes you feel good in some way that all the people who've never ridden a bike don't understand.
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