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Old 09-10-2008, 10:29 PM   #52
Senior Member
Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: Des Moines IA USA
Posts: 310
Re: Is "All the Gear, All the Time" a minority?

I hear ya.

We just think differently about expressing our opinions.

Public forum, private forum, whatever,. My opinions are just that. Mine. And if I dont feel strongly enough to express them to people, here, on the bus, in line at Burger King, wherever, then I guess I really don't believe them.

But if I DO feel strongly enough to keep a hold of said opinion, I'll gladly express it wherever I feel it should be. And in this case this is the perfect forum for it. Its populated with motorcycle riders. Many of whom are the opponents of said opinion.

I'm not of the "right place for that convo" mindset. Any thought that I deem worthy of my time wont be squelched by my current location. If its worthy of me having, time and place wont divert it.

All that being said, I agree that nobody need try to convert anyone. And I've never set out to do that. You dont see me posting horriffic pictures of gore drenched accidents. Do what you want. As I'll do what I want. And just like I'll stand up to the Monstrous Harley Dudes laughing at me in my helmet, mesh jacket, gloves, boots, and 250cc motorcycle, should that/when that happens, you can deal with the folks that think your choices are ill thought.

At the end of the night we'll all sleep just fine.
"There's many who tried, to prove that they're faster, but they didn't last and they died as they tried!"
Jer is offline  
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