Doug577 |
06-24-2008 02:48 PM |
Everyone wants one
Well, not everyone..
But I went for a ride down to Canton, OH to a bike shop looking for tail bags. Nice ride down some uncongested and rural roads. I think if I had known I would enjoy riding so much I might have done this years ago... Alas, the bike shop had sold all of their 9 tail bags in the past week so no luck there. But while I was wandering around looking I overheard a gentleman asking if they had any GZ250s. The salesman said that they didn't have any, and couldn't keep them in stock. The guy was disappointed saying he had at least hoped to take a look at one. What luck - I told him mine was outside. He was elated to see it, and seemed to be quite impressed. He said he was on his way up to Cleveland to take a look at one a private seller had, and he said if it looked like it was in good condition he was going to ride it home. I told him about the forum, so maybe we'll see him here. :)
Great ride... I should get commission.. :)