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Moedad 06-04-2008 02:44 PM

Locking the fork when parking
Is there a trick to locking the fork when I park the bike? It's a 2003 and I just got it, don't know how much it was ever locked, if at all. I push down on the key like it says, but the key won't turn all the way to the "Lock" setting. Is this a finicky thing on the GZs? Try a bit of WD-40? Anybody? Anybody? Bueller? Bueller?

jonathan180iq 06-04-2008 02:57 PM

You have to make sure that the bars are turned all the way to the left, until they hit the turn stops. Then, push the key down, and turn it to the left. If it's jammed, some graphite or a squirt of wd-40 surely won't hurt.

I've never had a problem.

Easy Rider 06-04-2008 03:04 PM

Re: Locking the fork when parking

Originally Posted by Moedad
Is this a finicky thing on the GZs? Try a bit of WD-40?

It's somewhat finicky on a lot of bikes.
You probably just need to get a feel for where it falls into place.....maybe against the stop; maybe back just a bit.
I doubt mine will even engage now; the new windshield hits the tank a bit, preventing a complete turn.
A little lube might be in order but probably NOT down inside the switch itself.

I can't remember the last time I actually USED the fork lock.

patrick_777 06-04-2008 06:31 PM

Be careful, WD-40 has a bad habit of gumming up an ignition or any other lock.

Go get a little tube of graphite powder (cheap and pretty easy to find near the key dept) and just squirt a little bit into the keyhole. Then work the key around a bit. As far as bar-locking, like Easy Rider just said, finding the sweet-spot might take a couple of tries. Mine stops fully to lock, but the key doesn't really have to be pressed in at all. I think each bike is its own animal.

You might have to check some documentation/manual for the bar-lock mechanism and make sure there isn't an obstruction or a wire being crimped, preventing it from stopping fully either.

turbo chicken 06-04-2008 07:23 PM

here's what i have to do...

turn all the way to the left.... put my right hand on the right handle and left hand on the key...turn the key and using my right hand turn back to the right just a tad... and the lock turns more easy when i get to the sweet spot.

bigwonton 06-05-2008 12:02 AM

Like others have said, I just turn all the way to the left and it usually locks up fine.

Be careful that you don't get overzealous and go past lock and get into the "Park" position where the rear tail light comes on and then leave your tail light on all day while you are at work (not that I've done that, mind you).

Moedad 06-05-2008 12:36 AM

I got it. It was just a liitle backed off from all the way over to the left. Thanks all.

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