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-   -   So I switched to a 16t sprocket... (http://www.gz250bike.com/forum/showthread.php?t=8224)

Shawnski451 05-31-2019 09:19 PM

So I switched to a 16t sprocket...
... and the first thing I noticed was that 1st gear is actually usefull. Lol. Street riding is actually nicer, and 4th gear is actually a decent accelleration gear up past 50 mph.

However, my best mph with the standard 15t gear was 71 mph (revving it's brains out.) But top speed dropped off a quite a bit and I could only grab 64 mph( into a slight head wind). The RPM is definitely lower at 55 and feels smoother. I'm gonna cruise it around town and some back roads before I really form an opinion about this mod.

Vegas Street Rider 05-31-2019 11:32 PM

The 16T sprocket will allow a higher top speed but also reduces the torque, so unless you are on the flat with no headwind, the little GZ won't have enough umph to get you up to that faster speed. It's all about compromises. The lower revs will help extend the life of your single cylinder thumper.

Shawnski451 06-01-2019 08:02 AM

Vegas, what gear are you running?

Vegas Street Rider 06-01-2019 09:16 AM

41T rear sprocket. Is that what you're asking? Bike is stock except for viking bags with rear seat removed.

Shawnski451 06-03-2019 10:02 PM

Im actually enjoying this 16T sprocket. I'm going to make a motovlog/helmet video as soon as I get the wind/buffeting issue worked out. Still may go back to the 15t sprocket.

wacio 06-09-2019 12:02 AM

I would highly doubt you can get higher speeds from 16T setup (maybe downhill). I have stock setup (15t) . I rode today and my top speeds are 50mph in third, 70 in fourth and 82 in fifth. It is very visible that there is not enough torque in fifth to move motorcycle any faster (actually speed drops substantially in top gear with slightest hill or headwind). GZ is not limited by running out off RPMs. At 70 in fourth - engine is running at 8500 and just over 8k in fifth at 82mph.

Donald McPherson 06-09-2019 05:48 AM

I can only squeeze a top speed of 62mph But then again I am in the UK and our Marauders are only 125cc. Does nicely for a city runaround or short trips out and about cruising at about 50mph.:ride:

GZ300 06-18-2021 08:04 PM

14/37 makes both sprockets lighter and uses less links making the chain lighter as well.

Ya'll just do what everone else does without really thinking about it dontcha.

Jt 434.14
Jt 819.37 usually only available in the UK but whatever.

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