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Orpheus 05-28-2008 03:20 AM

Highway Bars
Made my own highway bars for the bike. They're fully functional and look pretty nice (although I think I still need to make them a little more sturdy). Thanks to some innovative thinking by my neighbor and the metal working skills of my local ACE hardware, I can now stretch out while I ride. Stil not perfect, but pretty good for now.





Water Warrior 2 05-28-2008 07:45 AM

Pretty slick mod on the cheap side of life. Like that a bunch. It is amazing how a little snooping in the hardware store can allow one to build a usable item for comfort. I think a lot of members here will be in the hardware store soon. Good pics too.

Orpheus 05-28-2008 01:17 PM

It was really much easier to build than I thought, but I still don't like how it looks like a bunch of random parts thrown together. I'm thinking about getting some black paint and just painting the whole thing the same color as the bike.

trykemike 05-28-2008 01:50 PM

highway bars
very NICE !!!!!!!!!!

lots of enginuitey there

Orpheus 05-28-2008 03:55 PM

Okay, got the paint and decided to only paint the aluminum parts, keeping the chrome as-is. I think it looks much better, and you can't really notice that it's a redneck contraption at first glance. Here's the updated pictures:



The black really matches the color of the bike better than the pictures show; after it fades a little, I think it'll be exactly the color of the footpeg mounts.

Here's a pretty innovative (and cheap) solution that I found while searching the 'net : http://roadstarclinic.com/content/view/164/107/

I might try this in the future if I decide I don't like what I've done here.

jonathan180iq 05-28-2008 04:10 PM

Can someone tell me why I cannot view certain types of images while others come up just fine?

All I see is a white background and I can't even find the section of the post to check the properties of the image.

Any help would be appreciated.

Easy Rider 05-28-2008 04:14 PM


Originally Posted by jonathan180iq
Can someone tell me why I cannot view certain types of images while others come up just fine?

All I see is a white background and I can't even find the section of the post to check the properties of the image.

Any help would be appreciated.

Don't know why.......only way I know to "see" the path to the pics is to start a quoted reply. Copy the full path to the pics and then try to access them directly. These are just JPEG's.

Orpheus 05-28-2008 05:34 PM


Originally Posted by jonathan180iq
Can someone tell me why I cannot view certain types of images while others come up just fine?

All I see is a white background and I can't even find the section of the post to check the properties of the image.

Any help would be appreciated.

Try clearing the temporary internet files in "tools"/"internet options"; this sometimes works. The pics are pretty big, and that might be a problem too. I'll pm them to you and see if they come through that way.

jonathan180iq 05-29-2008 08:38 AM

Ok. After selecting the whole post I can see three pixle sized dots down in the left hand corner of Orpheus' post.

When I look at the quoted reply screen, I can see that there should be 3 pictures. So, why on Earth can I not view a simple jpeg image?

Easy Rider 05-29-2008 03:32 PM


Originally Posted by jonathan180iq
When I look at the quoted reply screen, I can see that there should be 3 pictures. So, why on Earth can I not view a simple jpeg image?

When did this become the GZComputer conference ?? :??: :)

Did you do like I suggested and try to view the individual pictures just by using the URL in your browser, outside of this forum? If you tried that and it still didn't work.........??????

My only guess is a security setting with your browser.
Did you take the other suggestion and clean out your cache?

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