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rayzuki 05-19-2008 08:33 PM

oil change
How much mess is made when the oil filter cover comes off? I want to know what I am getting myself into before I change the oil.

Easy Rider 05-19-2008 08:51 PM

Re: oil change

Originally Posted by rayzuki
How much mess is made when the oil filter cover comes off? I want to know what I am getting myself into before I change the oil.

Yep, it "drips" quite a bit. Be ready with rags or about 4 sheets of paper towel.
IIRC, most comes out not when you take the cover off but when you remove the old filter.

jonathan180iq 05-19-2008 10:20 PM

It's not too bad. There is some spill but it's nothing you can't handle if you have some shop towels with you.

Make sure that you drain the crankcase before you open the oil filter cover. That'll help.

rayzuki 05-22-2008 08:51 PM

Changed the oil yesterday. Didnt spill a drop

jonathan180iq 05-23-2008 08:19 AM


Water Warrior 2 05-24-2008 02:20 PM

Changed oil on both bikes yesterday. We made a bit of a mess taking the filter out but such is life. Paper towels were in place to soak up spillage etc. We also removed the counter shaft cover to check for a build up of chain lube around the front sprocket. I say WE because this was Lynda's first experience wrenching on anything. She did the whole thing herself ( on the GZ ) with me instructing and biting my tongue. It is hard to remember that a newbie doesn't have a feel for things that I have been doing for decades. Cleaned the chains with kerosene and then wiped dry before DuPontTeflon spray was applied. Bikes are ready for the middle of June trek to the Canadian Prairies. Amsoil 10-40 M/C specific oil in both bikes.

rayzuki 05-30-2008 12:14 AM

I put in a quart and a half of oil because the dealer said that is what it takes. I don't see anything in the oil level check window. How much oil goes in this thing?

bigwonton 05-30-2008 12:19 AM


Originally Posted by rayzuki
I put in a quart and a half of oil because the dealer said that is what it takes. I don't see anything in the oil level check window. How much oil goes in this thing?

Make sure the bike isn't leaning on the stand or else you won't get an accurate reading of the oil level.

Easy Rider 05-30-2008 10:45 AM


Originally Posted by bigwonton
Make sure the bike isn't leaning on the stand or else you won't get an accurate reading of the oil level.

Yes. AND.......stamped into the case right above the oil hole in BIG letters it says.....1300 ml !!! :blush:

That is "about" a quart and a half.

GZ250 06-09-2008 04:02 PM

1300 ml or more
exactly as easy rider said, it says there 1300ml, after you add around 1000ml start the bike and let it run for a while the oil will circulate and the new filter will absorb something. shut down and wait like for 2-3 minutes. check the oil level in the window and add more and the level should be between the F and L marks. keep checking the level after every 2 weeks and add if needed (its normal and ok with GZ250). always change oil when the engine is hot to get rid of the used oil as much as possible.

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