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alexgzz 01-06-2016 05:53 PM

Hello from Spain
5 Attachment(s)
hello everyone,

I'm an owner of a 2004 gz250 that I call "tito", since 5 years. I like to customized it and I been doing it since I buy it.

I like classic motorbikes and particulary the classics guzzi eldorado, and i tried to customize my bike like this nice classic bike. That's what I do to my bike:

-Change the rear fender (from jinlun-chinesse motorbike)
-Change rear light
-Change handlebar
-Change rear seat and put black leather in it.
-Change emblems.
And many more things... painting, creating emblems. I do it all by myself and homemade, learning it slowly.

What do you think about it?
Please excuse my english...:)


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Fawlty 01-07-2016 01:52 AM

Welcome to one of the best motorcycle forums on the net. There are at least two English active members living in Spain. I live in Murcia and alantf in Tenerife. Where are you from?.

Your bike is looking good. I see from your matricula (if it is original), that the year is March 2004.

Is the tank badge original?

Your English is excellent.

Water Warrior 2 01-07-2016 05:03 AM

Like your bike. The rear fender gives the bike a new look.

alantf 01-07-2016 05:11 AM

"Bienvenido" from Tenerife. :tup:

blaine 01-07-2016 08:09 AM

Welcome to the family.......Love the look of your bike!!! :)

Vegas Street Rider 01-07-2016 01:45 PM

Nice touches on the bike. It's fun making it your own. Welcome to the forum and happy and safe riding.

alexgzz 01-07-2016 06:36 PM

Hi guys!

Thanks for your reception and your coments! It's nice to know you like my bike and that I'm not to bad in my English....:)

I'm from Barcelona, maybe we can have a meet in spain with all this guys from the forum!

Yes, my bike is from March 2004 but I have it since 2010. The badge is from the original paint, I think that in that year (2004) the gz250s had this line over the tank, at least here.

alantf 01-08-2016 05:29 AM

Last time I was in Barcelona was 1988. (when they were building the olympic stadium) Loved it. Gaudi's unfinished cathedral, the cable car across the harbour, but then the slums. we also went up to Figueres, to the Salvador Dali museum. :tup:

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