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rbert16000 05-13-2008 12:43 AM

I am Rick B, I live in Bakersfield... I am pissed at the Oil Companies and would rather give my money to the Finance companies ... So I bought a New 2008 GZ 250... GREY METALFLAKE Love it... Have to get used to people pulling away from me though.... This is my 4th Suzuki... Have had 2x GS 750s, & 1x Bandit 1200. Currently also have a BMW R1100RT. Have also had Honda VFR800, BMW GS650, and a HD Sportster (AMF- CRAP).
Bought the GZ Saturday(2 miles on it), and hit 100 miles today (Monday).

Love this new Mini Sportster... Great site...

turbo chicken 05-13-2008 10:30 AM

Hey there... stick around make some post. There's some good information here.

5th_bike 05-13-2008 06:09 PM

Same here on the oil companies, every time I use the bike instead of the cage to go to work I save one (1) entire gallon for posterity, thereby effectively reducing the @#!@ profit of the @?#@ oil companies - It's crazy, exxon 10 billion profit for the quarter, that's like 40 dollar per american - considering how many people never get exxon, go figure how many hundreds of dollars each exxon client bleeds every quarter to fatten up those profits - same deal for the other companies. What would our forefathers do, confronted with too high a burden from the powers that be ?... Enough ranting.

Congratulations !!! and welcome to the exclusive club of proud GZ250 owners.

themarauderer 05-13-2008 06:33 PM

Oil companies are indeed, robbing swines.

Here we are paying £1.10 per litre - about $2.20 for petrol!!

I like yer thinking 1600!

p.s. why dont you like the HD Sportster?? I considered the 883 or even the 1200 but decided against it given the price versus features and generally paying for the name, based on most reviewers.....

Easy Rider 05-13-2008 09:10 PM


Originally Posted by themarauderer
Here we are paying £1.10 per litre - about $2.20 for petrol!!

Huh, what? :??:

turbo chicken 05-13-2008 10:38 PM


Originally Posted by Easy Rider

Originally Posted by themarauderer
Here we are paying £1.10 per litre - about $2.20 for petrol!!

Huh, what? :??:

that's roughly $8.00 a gallon ER... damn!

themarauderer 05-14-2008 04:32 PM

[quote=turbo chicken]

Originally Posted by "Easy Rider":1lbx24fe

Originally Posted by themarauderer
Here we are paying £1.10 per litre - about $2.20 for petrol!!

Huh, what? :??:

that's roughly $8.00 a gallon ER... damn![/quote:1lbx24fe]

:cuss: yep....thats why I am delighted even tho I have a car (must have, family needs dictate) I do a lot of my travelling/comuting on the GZ...and with good MPG (between 75-80) its not bad at all.......at those prices !!

rbert16000 05-20-2008 10:25 PM

Well, Damn... I'm down with Pnumonia.... Cant ride again for at least another week... But... I got about 64MPG out of my first tankfull.... I know what you mean themarauderer...... I was stationed in Germany back in the 70's and petrol, back then was $2.50 PEr Gallon... DM1.74/litre... We in the US have always gotten over... Now its our turn to struggle ....

rbert16000 05-20-2008 10:43 PM

Pic of the new Addition to the family....
Darn... how do I insert an image on this thing????[/img]

Littlethumper 05-21-2008 04:03 PM

Re: Pic of the new Addition to the family....

Originally Posted by rbert16000
Darn... how do I insert an image on this thing????[/img]

Hey Rick,click the "add image to post" at the left bottom corner of this box when you start to post
your pictures...hope that will help!
Welcome and hope you get better with your pneumonia! ;)

Well,can't do anything about the gas price, they said on the news its going up more...... :cuss:
I just wish its always warm weather here so we can ride the bike the whole time
with the gas price , would'nt it be nice?....:sad:

The rich is getting richer and the poor suffered the most!

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