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haraldduus 08-01-2015 12:44 PM

Starter problems
Background: I was out driving in heavy rain when suddenly the machine stalled and could not start again. I found out that it was a fuse in the ignition circuit 10 Amp had gone. I replaced it with a new one.

I have checked the, sidestand ciucitbreaker and, clutch switch also. The problem now is that I can not start the machine with the self-starter, but only by running the machine .

It has gradually become more difficult, in the beginning I could even without help, now it is not possible without help. Everything in the electrical system havs been measured and tested and there was nothing that seemed suspicious. Relays have been thoroughly measured, nothing found. Ignition coil and sparkplug cap are replaced and the spark plug as well.

We also cleaned the carburetor through and adjusted the maindolmen screw and set correctly. The spark plug still appears to show that the machine dont get enough gasoline (electrodes and insulation seems pale and not "coffee-colored").

So what seems to be the problem, what have I overseen? HELP!!!

alantf 08-02-2015 03:55 AM

try blasting the starter button, red cutout switch, clutch switch and sidestand relay with aerosol contact cleaner. The rain may have got in one of them and caused a bad contact. :tup:

haraldduus 08-02-2015 05:32 AM

The selfstarter runs, but will not start the engine.

alantf 08-02-2015 12:50 PM

I'm no mechanic, but it sounds like a problem between the starter motor (if you can hear it working) and its physical connection to the engine. Looking at the wiring diagram, fuse 3 leads to the side stand relay, so it's possible that water got into it and caused the fuse to blow. If the relay "thought" it had closed, that would kill the engine. Someone may come in here and say if it's possible that the sudden engine kill could cause anything to shear between the starter motor and the engine. :hmm:

haraldduus 08-02-2015 01:14 PM

I can also feel the engin is cranked by starter, but it dont spring to life. So wtf is wrong :-( Ther is a spak in the plug. I end up thinking gaz, but Why can I then run it to start???? So confusing!!!

haraldduus mobil

spldart 08-02-2015 01:50 PM

Once it's started it runs and idles smoothly?

What's your compression ratio?
Not looking normal wear and tear but did your motor inhale some water....
A hot exhaust valve can crack bad if it's hit with water.

Real bad rain and all problems started?

Plug should look medium beach sand or light tan color.

Assuming all you have done.... You've have R&R'd the air filter right?

haraldduus 08-02-2015 01:54 PM

yes, when it get warm.

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haraldduus 08-02-2015 01:57 PM

It is not the valvs did a tune up after, just to be shure. Comp seems ok also. No to water in engine.

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raul10141964 08-02-2015 06:21 PM

Use the choke

haraldduus 08-03-2015 12:51 PM

Read the first part of this thred raul10141964 . Ther is more to it than using the choker.

haraldduus tablet

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