GZ 250 Forums

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stanos 06-02-2015 07:58 PM

Just bought an 05 gz250....I am a new rider. The GZ will be my continuous post BST learning bike and hope to use it for commuting eventually. Also hoping learn to do the maintenance or any troubleshoot any issues with the bike from the knowledgeable member here and may be one day help out someone else too.

blaine 06-02-2015 08:09 PM

Welcome to the family!!! ;) :)

Water Warrior 2 06-02-2015 10:06 PM

Welcome Stanos. As others have suffered through my suggestion, so must you. I always recommend new riders take a proper riding course from professional instructors and also pick up a copy of Proficient Motorcycling by David Hough. Both are a good idea and your knowledge and skill levels will grow.
Keep in mind there are no dumb questions here. All questions are treated the same............just ask, we are here for you.

gz4me + 06-03-2015 03:16 AM

Welcome to the forum. Enjoy the GZ and the forum. Looking forward to more posts from you.

stanos 06-06-2015 02:20 PM

Thanks for the welcome.

Originally Posted by Water Warrior 2 (Post 83688)
As others have suffered through my suggestion, so must you. I always recommend new riders take a proper riding course from professional instructors and also pick up a copy of Proficient Motorcycling by David Hough. Both are a good idea and your knowledge and skill levels will grow.

Me and my wife have taken the BRT which is the MSF version for Oregon State and the only way to get the motorcycle endorsement. Thanks for suggestion of the book. I got a Dvd copy of Twist of the Wrist 2 gone though it one and will probably need to go through it again and again....


Originally Posted by gz4me + (Post 83698)
Welcome to the forum. Enjoy the GZ and the forum. Looking forward to more posts from you.

I think I will have to was practicing an emergency swerve maneuver in the empty parking lot yesterday and crashed her :cry: ....scrapes on the front fender, busted headlight lens and assembly, a tiny hole on the riding jacket bruised on the knee area....but i picked her up gave her a little choke and she was up again...left home with wife with the ride of shame :(

Water Warrior 2 06-06-2015 11:42 PM

If you are going to crash an empty parking lot is ideal. No shame in having an oops either. Think back to what you did wrong and learn from it.

Sounds like you might need knee pads. "Shift" makes some cheap knee pads that will fit under your jeans and are pretty darn good. I wish I had known about armor back in the 70's when I landed on my knee and lost a lot of mobility, I couldn't kneel down for a year and a half till it finally healed. I won't get into specifics but I somehow managed to do a back flip off a cliff with the bike. The landing was harsh. The bike received no damage.........go figure.

Mr Coachdaddy 06-10-2015 11:02 AM

Welcome to the forum ;) As a newbe here myself I can attest that the help here is great. As for the spill, just dust off the bike and keep on riding :tup:

gz250dude 06-11-2015 10:28 AM

Welcome aboard!

The GZ is a fantastic commuter, that is what I use mine for.

Vegas Street Rider 06-21-2015 01:35 AM

Rare is the bird that hasn't dumped his/her bike unless they are not riding much. Most of us have our own stories. Enjoy and ride safe. You have some great roads in your area to ride, especially headed to the coast.

spldart 06-21-2015 12:04 PM

20 years ago I got my first bike.
Bought it dead. Fixed it.
I'm started and I'm excited.
At a glance the tires are holding air. I'm not concerned.... I'm just gonna make a big circle
in my back yard.
TIRES WERE NEAR FLAT. ( I obviously didn't realize there was only like 7 lbs in each )
I lost control, panicked, and hit the fence....
Ego.... bruised.
At least bike landed on grass :shrug:

That was my first of many crashes. The first was my fault.
Ride defensively but enjoy the ride.

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