GZ 250 Forums

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lizardslaps 05-16-2015 08:14 AM

New rider with a gz250 as a first bike
my name is matt
Just got a 2006 gz250 for 600$

runs ok when moving don't want to idle real good has 24k on the clock I got it to drive to work since it smokes my s10 in gas mileage

Im sure I will have some questions sooner or later

blaine 05-16-2015 09:04 PM

Welcome..Some SeaFoam in a tank of fuel may help. ;) :)

lizardslaps 05-16-2015 09:38 PM

Ya just did that and some pb blaster in the tank fires right up runs great now

front brakes are toast chain was lubed with axle grease and the oil was filled to full with it leaned on its kickstand but other than that runs pretty good now cant wait to get it tagged and on the road

gz4me + 05-17-2015 12:50 AM

welcome to the forum. Enjoy the forum and the GZ.

Water Warrior 2 05-17-2015 04:02 AM


Originally Posted by lizardslaps (Post 83489)
Ya just did that and some pb blaster in the tank fires right up runs great now

front brakes are toast chain was lubed with axle grease and the oil was filled to full with it leaned on its kickstand but other than that runs pretty good now cant wait to get it tagged and on the road

You have too much oil in the bike. You have to check the oil with the bike held upright. Might be a great plan to do an oil change if you haven't already. Oil and a filter are cheap for what they do. Any oil that has a JASO certificate is good. Car oils will not do, they contain oil molifiers for better milage but play the dickens with a wet clutch.
Use a HiFlo HF136 oil filter, same as Suzuki filter but generally cheaper.

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