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-   -   A video from an awesome 470 mile ride this weekend! (http://www.gz250bike.com/forum/showthread.php?t=7334)

gz250dude 03-16-2015 07:42 PM

A video from an awesome 470 mile ride this weekend!
Check it out, my first long ride on my new to me GZ :)


gz4me + 03-18-2015 01:28 AM

Loved the videos. Looking forward to watching more. The GZ is a fun bike to ride. Enjoy the GZ and stay safe.

gz250dude 03-18-2015 09:20 AM


Originally Posted by gz4me + (Post 82975)
Loved the videos. Looking forward to watching more. The GZ is a fun bike to ride. Enjoy the GZ and stay safe.

Thanks man, I enjoy making videos on all 3 of my bikes.
Becomes a fun hobby to document my rides.

Water Warrior 2 03-18-2015 04:35 PM


Wonderful video. Brings back memories of riding in Tn and NC back in 2007. It was a long drive(car) from the West Coast and well worth the trip. Rented a KLR 650, rode the Dragon and other assorted scenic roads.

More videos please.

gz250dude 03-18-2015 07:31 PM

Don't worry my friend I video tape all my rides :)

gz4me + 03-18-2015 08:43 PM

Just a short note. My next door neighbor has a Burgman 650 and his wife has a Helix. My Grandson has a 2001 GZ. We have taken a few rides togeather. One of the first things we noticed was the speedo on the Burgman was really off. GZ and Helix were the same as what the GPS showed. Bugs the hell out of the neighbor. He went to dealer regarding this issue and they told him all motorcycle speedo's were off. No big thing to them. They told him if it bothers him so much, use your GPS instead.(WOW!!!!!!)

gz250dude 03-18-2015 09:09 PM

Well I am with your neighbor as my Burgman 400 speedometer is ridiculously inaccurate. Any speed up to 65 mph its 5mph fast, but the magic happens at freeway speeds. 65mph indicated is 59mph actual, now 70mph indicated is only 62 mph and finally 80mph indicated is only 71mph actual. 100mph indicated is 87mph actual. So far the Helix does 70-75 actual just fine and the GZ does 70 easily for me. I don't push them for more than that though as they are 250's.

But I agree I noticed on this weekend ride using my GPS that when we were on I24 the GZ's speedo is spot on like the Helix.

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