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beefjerky 08-06-2014 09:31 AM

Remove Header pipes

How do you remove the header pipes completely?

I am able to unbolt them from the engine no problem and they come away from the block with ease, but they will only move about 5 inches down and them seem to get stuck... do i need to remove the whole right side controls to be able to completely detach the header pipes?


grasshopper 08-06-2014 10:11 AM

That is what I had to do. Unbolt the right side controls a wiggle around and out. Remember how you got them off because you will have to turn them the same to get them back on and watch your cables. Don't try to force it . Good luck.

beefjerky 08-06-2014 10:23 AM

gah... i was hoping not...

Thanks grasshopper I will give that a go

grasshopper 08-06-2014 02:54 PM

I didn't think it was to bad. I just removed the two bolts and let the right side foot controls hang. You already removed the muffler bolt right?

beefjerky 08-06-2014 06:47 PM

Yeah, just that a previous owner must have ditched at some point; the right side controls main bolt is totally mangled!

Water Warrior 2 08-06-2014 11:26 PM

The joys of a used bike.

grasshopper 08-07-2014 12:10 AM


Originally Posted by beefjerky (Post 81239)
Yeah, just that a previous owner must have ditched at some point; the right side controls main bolt is totally mangled!

Same here. The head on one of my foot control bolts was half shaved off. Once you get it off go ahead and replace it.

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