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studysession 08-02-2014 07:26 PM

lost key
What is best way to address I lost my key?

Can the dealer cut a new key if I have the VIN number or what do I do? Called locksmiths locally and they do not do motorcycle keys.

Thanks -:clap:

chromedome195 08-02-2014 07:41 PM

Here's some info. that you may find helpful:


Good Luck!

studysession 08-02-2014 08:04 PM

Thanks however I am in MD and they are not....

Called couple of lock smiths and they do not have anyone that can do my bike.... YUCK

grasshopper 08-02-2014 09:44 PM


Originally Posted by studysession (Post 81135)
Thanks however I am in MD and they are not....

Called couple of lock smiths and they do not have anyone that can do my bike.... YUCK

I'm not trying to be funny but........can you picture in your head the last time you seen your key?

studysession 08-02-2014 10:36 PM

Friday morning I pulled the key out of a pants pocket and no idea what happened after..... Let's put it this way my room has never been this clean.... I cleaned everything in my room looking for this key

Rookie Rider 08-02-2014 10:50 PM

Are you sure its not in the ignition on the bike ?

studysession 08-02-2014 10:54 PM

searched the bike and the SUV..... been cleaning through my room looking through everything

Water Warrior 2 08-02-2014 11:13 PM

Now you know why you should always have a spare key. When you find the key your 1st job is to go to a locksmith to get another key or 2. Most locksmiths will have blanks to make more keys.

gz4me + 08-03-2014 12:51 AM

Is the key for you gas cap the same as the ignition on your bike? If so, a locksmith should be able to make key. If locksmith does not have blank, he should be able to order one. The gas cap lock is easy to access and take apart. I have misplaced a few keys over the years and have found some in the washer and or dryer after searching every where else a hundred times. Take gas cap to locksmith and see what he says. Maybe after looking at it,he will come up with a plan.

gz4me + 08-03-2014 01:06 AM

Key blank from Suzuki is $13.79. (part #37146-33E00)

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