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golem 07-16-2014 09:22 AM

Cafe racer style
Hi, I saw Kevinj cafe racer bike and fell in love like many other onthis forum. I'd like to emulate that style but I'm having trouble selecting fitting clip on handlebar. Can someone please give me some pointer on what to look for, which model would fit my gz250? Also is "easy" to install or is it better to have a shop install them? thank you for the help.

jonathan180iq 07-16-2014 01:10 PM

Well, all of these bikes had 7/8" handlebars. You can find any style that you like in 7/8" and just got from there.

You may need to trim your cables if you get something extremely low or they will bunch up too much.

golem 07-16-2014 01:40 PM

Thank you, do you think it's something that can be done by yourself or do you think you need the help of a professional for such a job?

jonathan180iq 07-16-2014 01:42 PM

If you can mess around with bicycles then you can handle motorcycles.

You're going to want to go ahead and order new grips, get some cable lube, a good set of screw drivers and allen wrenches and you'll be ready to go.

Throttle and controls won't come off without first removing the bar-ends.

golem 07-16-2014 02:42 PM

Could you please link me to some suitable handlebars please? English is not my first language and I'm having a hard time finding some suitable ones. From what I gather I need some with 7/8 fork width and 37mm "something", is that even right? Thank you for the help, and sorry for the annoyance.

jonathan180iq 07-16-2014 03:10 PM

Fantastic job on the English. No worries. This forum exists to help other riders or it doesn't exist at all.

http://www.jpcycles.com/product/ZZ50600 - $22.99

http://www.jpcycles.com/product/634-912 - $89.99

http://www.jpcycles.com/product/ZZ50595 - $27.99

http://www.jpcycles.com/product/ZZ50579 - $26.99

I would personally choose the last one, as it's quite low but not quite as extreme as a flat bar. While these extremely low bars may look really cool, they change the angle at which you have to lean to control them, and that can wear on your back if you use your bike for moderate or daily use.

golem 07-16-2014 04:47 PM

Thank you, great informations ! I will probably end up buying the one you pointed out. Also thank you for the compliment on my english, I appreciate a lot !
If I may ask some other questions : Will I be able to fit bar end mirrors on those?
And another question : I want to fit a crash guard on my motorcycle, will any do or do I need for a gz250 specific one? Once again thank you for the time you're taking to answer me.

Water Warrior 2 07-16-2014 08:20 PM

Golem, what part of the world are you in? It would help a lot as some aftermarket products are U.S. based and some are European based. The availability and shipping is a major concern with some products.

golem 07-17-2014 09:08 AM

I'm currently living in the USA, so there shouldn't need any problems to ship to me.
I ordered the handlebars that johnathan pointed to, do you think I need anything else to have the job done? New grips, lube etc? Thank you

jonathan180iq 07-17-2014 10:43 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Grips, yes. It will make your job easier to just cut the old ones off with a razor blade and put the new ones on after you're all said and done.

Yes, also, on the bar end mirrors. Just get them for 7/8" handlebars.

For lube when installing new grips, you can simply use hairspray to lube the interior for installation. Then, once it dries, it works like a light glue to help hold everything in place.

GRIPS - http://www.jpcycles.com/product/ZZ50766

GRIPS GUIDE: http://antihero.fileburst.com/bikes/...laceGrips.html

MIRRORS - http://www.jpcycles.com/product/405-505 (PAIR)
MIRRORS - http://www.jpcycles.com/product/ZZ76048 (INDIVIDUAL)

That's keeping it on the cheap - feel free to shop around some. Check E-bay too.

In the photo shown of my old Ninja, you can see my lowered risers and new grips installed. I used the above method and everything was flawless.

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