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Rookie Rider 07-13-2014 08:48 PM

Trying to stick around
Hey guys and gals its Rookie Rider. Its been about a year and a half since ive been on and id like to apologize for not saying anything and just not coming back, so im sorry. I see this forum has changed and im gonna have to get used to it. I still have my gz, but havent charged the battery for a year until yesterday but it didnt charge, so im gonna buy a new battery. Had my first crash with my Sportster, well someone rearended me at about 40mph. Bumps and bruises, roadrash. Got real lucky, it couldve been much worse. So let me go check out the forum and figure this out. I hope you accept me back.

Water Warrior 2 07-14-2014 04:28 AM

Welcome back RR. Glad you found us again.

blaine 07-14-2014 07:10 AM

Welcome back!!! ;) :)

jonathan180iq 07-14-2014 08:19 AM

There's never a stranger here @ Gz250bike.com ;)

Glad to have you back - sorry to hear about the Harley

chromedome195 07-14-2014 09:58 AM

Welcome back!
Glad you were not injured too badly.

mole2 07-14-2014 02:09 PM

Welcome back my fellow NYer.


Rookie Rider 07-14-2014 04:39 PM

Thanks for the warm welcomes. Just like old times. I know I really never contributed to this forum much because it was all new to me, like learning to ride 3 yrs ago, fixing the bike etc. But you guys and this forum were on point and super friendly. I did learn some valuable things here for my gz thats for sure. So thanks again guys.

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