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akaert2002 01-21-2014 02:07 AM

Well now that winter has struck I am looking for a new option for my exhaust. I'm not a fan of the stock bulky one. Does anyone know of something shorter or straight pipes.

mainlinecoffee 01-21-2014 04:14 AM

Are you looking for power or decibels?

akaert2002 01-21-2014 08:22 AM

Cosmetic. You cant really make it sound bad ass.

akaert2002 01-21-2014 11:30 PM

Unless someone knows of something that is loud and looks nice

akaert2002 01-22-2014 12:05 AM

Does anyone know if this fits.

mainlinecoffee 01-22-2014 08:57 AM

I made a custom pipe for mine and it's pretty badass,straight pipe turns almost vertical at back axle. Stock header to one and half inch pipe, almost painful but they will hear me 45 seconds before they see me...I can't help with chrome but I would say you are better making one than paying for it. Ever consider a cherrybomb? Low rumble but not obnoxious. Could do a drag pipe or custom 1-2 split using couplings instead of welding.

alantf 01-22-2014 10:27 AM

If you make it out of steel, you probably won't be able to get it chromed. I was watching "auction hunters" type programme. The guy found a load of bike parts, and took them to a bike restorer. The pipe was flat black, but the restorer said that there wasn't a chromer in America who would touch exhausts.

akaert2002 01-22-2014 01:47 PM

It dont need to be chrome. I do not know or have the tools to weld

Water Warrior 2 01-22-2014 04:32 PM

Take it from some one with hearing damage. Loud pipes may seem cool till you loose some hearing. Yeah it happens to everyone.
I had loud pipes on cages years ago and thought it was neat. Not so neat now though. Loud bikes will also annoy the hell out of your neighbors too.

mainlinecoffee 01-22-2014 05:57 PM

I always figured the pipes won't save a life but if the cager gives me a second look they may not kill me. Two years ago I got both my arms broken ripped all the muscle up right leg and almost lost left nut because a woman in a Lexus didn't look left before she pulled across a main road...i can take a hit to my hearing to help insure it dosnt happen again.

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