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ozbobber800 01-13-2014 04:41 AM

New GZ owner in Australia
Hi just picked up a 99 GZ250 which I was going to use as a runaround bike but my wife had commandered it for herself. Good original bike not modified at all. I have just finished a VN800 Vulcan rebuild which is customised and I have ripped the GZ down to the frame. Mostly detailing and cleaning up. Engine covers, forks and tree were a bit ordinary so they all copped the paint treatment, painted the exhaust in heat proof black and wrapped. Redid the original black in a heavy metallic green with GT stripe, detailed the brake drum and rear drive.
I have some new grips and mirrors to go on and I have some smaller turen signals to fit. Modifying the rear duck tail to take them. Forks and brakes are being rebuilt .

Put up some photos soon

Been reading through the forum and there is some really helpful stuff on here. thanks in advance


Cathy 01-13-2014 07:31 AM

Welcome !

Goose51683 01-13-2014 04:56 PM

Welcome OZ. Hows the weather down under? Good for riding?

ozbobber800 01-13-2014 05:13 PM

We are pretty blessed here Goose. Most of Australia has a good temperature. Some of the southern states get quite cold in winter but nowhere like you guys. Really cold for us is minus 2-5 Celcius. Even our " Alpine region " isn't very cold. In saying that there is really only a few weeks to a month a year where riding is not that nice. Plus we have some wild coastlines and awesome country to explore.

Goose51683 01-14-2014 03:40 PM

I've always wanted to visit or even try my hand at living in Australia but then I see the shows about just how much of the wild life is constantly trying to kill you and I get a little hesistant.

But in all honesty I would love to make the leap and try living down under for awhile.

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