GZ 250 Forums

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Plavanchy 11-01-2013 09:28 PM

Does anyone give you a hard time for riding a 250?
I've had several situations where someone makes a crappy comment about me riding a 250cc motorcycle. One guy asks if it's a rebel-I said no and told him it's a Suzuki gz 250 and he says "oh my sister has one" as he drives off in a total piece of shit vehicle. Just wondering if anyone else has this problem. Not real worried about it as the GZ is a great commuter,but I'd like a quick comeback for these jerks.

JWR 11-01-2013 11:53 PM

Re: Does anyone give you a hard time for riding a 250?
Ask "and your bike is where?"

I have never had the first bad word from anyone.

Water Warrior 2 11-02-2013 12:21 AM

Re: Does anyone give you a hard time for riding a 250?
At the present time it is all I need or want. And it is paid for too.

Forget the folks who pull your chain. They are just looking to justify their bike and are likely just posers. They "need" to feel superior.
I got quite a chuckle when some poser commented to Lynda about her little learner bike. His jaw dropped when she mentioned it taught her a lot on a 5,000 km trip a month earlier.

alantf 11-02-2013 05:49 AM

Re: Does anyone give you a hard time for riding a 250?
I've had mine for over six years now. I've been riding for nearly fifty years, but I still don't feel the need for a "poser" bike. On this small island, with mostly 50 km/hr (30 mph) speed limits, and a traffic congestion problem, it's the ideal bike. There are more bikes than cars, and the majority of bikes are 50cc scooters, so mine is, actually, one of the bigger bikes.

jonathan180iq 11-04-2013 08:27 AM

Re: Does anyone give you a hard time for riding a 250?
People who don't ride bikes have these preconceived ideas about motorcycles. I used to get asked "Is that a Harley?" And when I would respond, they would just say "oh..." as if Harley's were the only motorcycles that existed. People who ride bikes fall into two catergories I think, those who know that all two-wheeled transportation is part of this greater community of "bikers" and it's all cool, from the 50cc Chinese scooters to the 2000cc cruisers. There is also a class of biker however that is just a notch above the generic Harley-lovin' populace. They see anything less than super sport bikes or super cruisers as infantile. Their 750 GSXR isn't good enough in their eyes because they aren't cracking 200mph on the Hayabusa. But whatever, really. A motorcycle is a motorcycle. Not 50 years ago the 250cc class was considered a large and powerful machine. They are faster than most cars off the line and keep up with traffic on the highway. They aren't toys. People are dumb.

Goose51683 11-04-2013 10:56 AM

Re: Does anyone give you a hard time for riding a 250?
I get crap from my coworkers all the time, which is funny cause I bought my bike form one of them. I tell them the same thing I tell my wife when she gives me crap about riding period (another story for another time). I tell them "I ride for me and right now a 250 makes me happy. It's simple enough I can do whatever I want (except make it run at this point) and I can afford to change, customize, and do whatever I feel like"

The comments are usually..."why did you wrap the pipes on a 250?" or some other question about why I'm putting money into such a small bike. I give the same answer, " It makes me happy and I enjoy it"

If they don't get that answer then they don't get why you'd have a bike in the first place.

jonathan180iq 11-04-2013 01:22 PM

Re: Does anyone give you a hard time for riding a 250?
The people who asked why you wrapped your pipes don't even know why pipes get wrapped in the first place. It's an aesthetic thing for 95% of the people who own them.

I started rollerblading to work. I'm looking forward to the comments :)

Water Warrior 2 11-04-2013 01:31 PM

Re: Does anyone give you a hard time for riding a 250?
What I find really silly and stupid is a Harley rider commenting on an 883 being a baby bike and only good for learning on or for girls. It still boils down to the fact that you ride, not what you ride.
Some bikes may be faster, some may be more comfy, many are more expensive, some are prettier but they all get you there.
My Vstrom was just ugly enough that no one would steal it if they found it running in a parking lot at 2 in the morning. It always got me there with no drama and didn't break the bank.

jonathan180iq 11-04-2013 01:35 PM

Re: Does anyone give you a hard time for riding a 250?
V'Stroms are wicked cool. People who give V'Stroms a hard time don't know anything about riding.

Goose51683 11-04-2013 01:46 PM

Re: Does anyone give you a hard time for riding a 250?

please include a picture of you rollerblading to work. I could use a reason to smile everyday.

I used to be a roller blader so I can only laugh so much.

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