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Plavanchy 09-12-2013 08:49 PM

Bought my gz in June of this year and have had a blast with it,after reading the forum I have been putting the battery on a charger maybe every 2-3 weeks or so. Is this good protocol or overkill? Also before winter storage should I take battery out and store inside?

blaine 09-12-2013 10:05 PM

Re: Battery

Originally Posted by Plavanchy
Bought my gz in June of this year and have had a blast with it,after reading the forum I have been putting the battery on a charger maybe every 2-3 weeks or so. Is this good protocol or overkill? Also before winter storage should I take battery out and store inside?

Make sure your charger is 2 amps or less & "yes" take your battery out &store inside.
;) :)

Water Warrior 2 09-12-2013 10:10 PM

Re: Battery
A good idea is to buy a Battery Tender for the bike. The BT will come with a permanent pigtail connector for the battery so you needn't have any need to do anything but plug it in. The BT is a smart charger and you can leave it plugged in all winter if you want. Our winter temps are not that bad and rarely below freezing so I would plug in both bikes for an hour once a month. I learned the hard way by not using a BT and killed 2 batteries from lack of use over 2 winters.

5th_bike 09-12-2013 11:23 PM

Re: Battery
If you regularly use your bike for rides of more than half an hour, it doesn't need extra charges.

If you charge (it in the winter), stop charging once the current drops below 300 mA.

jonathan180iq 09-16-2013 09:25 AM

Re: Battery
I agree with the regular rider bit. If you ride semi-consistently at all, you shouldn't need to charge it every night.

Everyone should own a bettery tender, mind you. But it doesn't have to always be on the bike.

steelpix 11-14-2013 10:52 AM

Re: Battery
I've heard great things about Antigravity batteries which are lithium. They will hold their charge for a year, smaller in size and weight. Three year warranty.
http://shop.antigravitybatteries.com/an ... ries-ytz5/

Water Warrior 2 11-14-2013 04:13 PM

Re: Battery
I wouldn't bother going with a Lithium battery. Seems like a lot of $ for a little bit of weight saved. If memory serves me correctly a Lithium battery still looses it's charge due to colder temps so you need to spend big $ on the recommended charger to keep it happy.
I think economics/availability would determine my decision and just go with an AGM battery and a Battery Tender. A BT can be ordered online and an AGM battery is readily available almost anywhere.

jonathan180iq 11-15-2013 09:24 AM

Re: Battery
Completely agree.

Good tech...Just not for this application.

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