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Jaime 01-01-2008 03:53 PM

Hi! This is my bike after some mods. Kinda "cafe racer" style, maybe. More pics here.


Here's what I've changed:
  • Cafe racer handlebar + modded risers[/*:m:9772pk7m]
  • Small windshield[/*:m:9772pk7m]
  • New black 34.5 cm rear shocks[/*:m:9772pk7m]
  • Black rear-mirrors[/*:m:9772pk7m]
  • Smaller turn signals[/*:m:9772pk7m]
  • Luggage rack[/*:m:9772pk7m]
  • Cut out front fender, matt black[/*:m:9772pk7m]
  • Front fork lowered, precharged and painted black[/*:m:9772pk7m]
  • Air filter mod + new carb jets/adjustments[/*:m:9772pk7m]
  • 16T sprocket[/*:m:9772pk7m]
  • Other minor details...[/*:m:9772pk7m]

Hope you like it.

jonathan180iq 01-02-2008 11:27 AM

that's pretty Jaime. I don't personally care for that style handlebar, but everything else looks good.

Did you look into getting clip-ons instead of regular bars? I think that would really make the bike look sharp.

Also, what headlight fairing is that? I was looking for a small fairing a while ago before I decided on a full windscreen.

Keep up the good work.

EDIT: Any shots of you on the bike, for seat/fit comparison?

Water Warrior 2 01-02-2008 10:49 PM

Looks good.

Jaime 01-04-2008 09:55 AM


Originally Posted by jonathan180iq
Did you look into getting clip-ons instead of regular bars? I think that would really make the bike look sharp.

Yes, I payed for clip-on bars, but they were sold out and I had to put up with a regular cafe bar. Sure it would be sharper, without that risers.


Originally Posted by jonathan180iq
Also, what headlight fairing is that? I was looking for a small fairing a while ago before I decided on a full windscreen.

It's made in Spain, although I bought it in Germany... The brand name is Puig, they make accessories for motorcycles. It's the "Puig Wave" model, smoked (there were clear and carbon look, too).


Originally Posted by jonathan180iq
EDIT: Any shots of you on the bike, for seat/fit comparison?

I'll try to make some photographs soon. Anyway, the rider position isn't as unnatural as I expected...

jonathan180iq 01-04-2008 04:41 PM

I look forward to seeing it.

Where in Spain are you located? My wife and I planning a vacation this summer and Spain is one of our desired destinations.
We're also looking at Italy or I may take her to Yellowstone, but I digress.

Jaime 01-04-2008 06:49 PM


Originally Posted by jonathan180iq
I look forward to seeing it.

Where in Spain are you located? My wife and I planning a vacation this summer and Spain is one of our desired destinations.
We're also looking at Italy or I may take her to Yellowstone, but I digress.

I live next to Madrid (main city), nearly in the middle of the Peninsula. You'll have great climate in summer wherever you go, except in the northern coast (it sometimes rains, ruining your beach day).
Depending on which kind of tourism do you like, there are many different locations to visit, so tell me. For example, If you want beach, east or south coast will be fine. If you want history, you can visit a lot of province's capital and other villages.
Anyway, I'll recomend a tour watching Madrid, Barcelona (second main city), some beach and go on, trying to avoid tourist-oriented cities (overcrowded, expensive and mediocre food; although many things are written in your language there :lol:). Also, there are beautiful isles to visit...

If you come to Madrid, you can visit a spanish GZ250 too. :)

jonathan180iq 01-06-2008 07:06 PM

Eso si me gustaria.

Mi esposa es de Monterrey, MX. y la diferencia de linguajes no es un gran problema.

Si decidimos ir nos a Espana, te mandare una mensaje.


mcintyre_aerospace 01-17-2008 01:05 AM

Hey Jaime, i like the work you did on the front fender, sharp. Is this the stock fender that you cut, how did you do it. Mines got a crack in the front and the front is covered in scratches, so I'm planning on modding it and doing a whole custom paint, so any pointers would help. Anyways looks really good, i would rather have higher bars though, i dont like to lean forward. The headlight visor looks really good, looks mean.

Jaime 01-18-2008 08:12 AM

I got a broken blue fender:

I repaired it with special glue and repairing paste for plastic, and marked the cutting lines; plastic surgery style.

Once cut out with an electric saw like this one and using heavy sandpaper to make the borders smooth...

...I relocated the holes about 3/4" higher, to reduce the clearance fender-tyre.

I only used light sandpaper to remove the older coating, no primer. Then, I painted it matt-black with a regular bodywork spray.

Also, the front fork has been painted with the same spray.

Notice that the front side is longer than the rear, although the fender is reversible now.

jonathan180iq 01-18-2008 04:25 PM

Lowering the fender to reduce clearence is a good idea.

Some lady in her SUV backed into my bike and really cracked the front of my fender off. I cut off the damaged area and it's fuctional, but I think it's ugly. I might modify your style and make something different.

If I do, I'll post it here.

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